10 April 2012

BLD Tuesday

Ahhhh, it's another beautiful Tuesday and nothing could make it any prettier that the amazing
creations by the FABULOUS BLD designers!!

I sure hope you all had a fabulous Resurrection Sunday! 
One filled with love for our Savior and our wonderful families.
God is so good! 
I am so thankful for all His blessings and love!

It's time to be inspired by these fabulous card designers:

Kim O'Connell

Jeanie Witmer

Cindy Haffner

Sheri Gilson

Taylor Usry

Tracy Clemente

Karen Giron

Mary Giles

Thank you for stopping by!
I hope you found great inspiration in today's post!!

Have a wonderful week!

Blessings - LORi 


Melissa Czapor said...

Amazing!! Your team is so very talented!! Of course with your images it makes it easy to make some wonderful creations. i know you are super busy but if you find time I'd love to have you stop by and see the card I made using one of my favorite ByLORIdesign images -http://melissacreates10.blogspot.com/2012/04/few-cards-to-share.html
Many blessings!!

Vivi Casale said...

absolutely gorgeous card!! all from are adorable!!!!
