Hello Everyone!!
It's time for this weeks Spotlight post!!
We hope you enjoyed the last one featuring Beach Boy Todd and Summer Time Gidget!!
Our Beach Boy Todd winner is:
Summer Time Gidget winner is
- Karin said...
Great projects from de DT really inspirational! The images are really love great for this hot summer!
Today we are showcasing the final cutie in this months Summer Puddle Jumper release...Beach Boy Cole!! So without further adieu....

Mary J


We hope you enjoyed today's eye candy!!
before I go...
Make sure to meet us back here Friday for a FUN Summer Hop filled with tons of cuteness...you won't want to miss it!!
Are you looking for another chance to win a BLD Image??
(Click the banner for more deets)

We hope you enjoyed today's eye candy!!
For a chance to WIN Beach Boy Cole please leave a comment here on this post by Sunday, July 3rd Midnight Eastern . One lucky random winner will be selected!!
before I go...
Make sure to meet us back here Friday for a FUN Summer Hop filled with tons of cuteness...you won't want to miss it!!
Are you looking for another chance to win a BLD Image??

Have a Wonderful Day!!
simply adorable!! I`d love to win a digi!
Thanks for the chance!