I am NOT joking or exaggerating when I say, you are all super talented!
I will be honest...our original list was 80...then I thought we had narrowed it down to 40, but after taking a second look at all the blogs...we were back up to a list of 57. We have forced ourselves to get the list down to what you see now. Oh and... I actually already have Term 2 which will begin in June picked out from this call!! Maybe even Tern 3...hee hee!! So, if you don't see your name below...it doesn't mean you are out of the running. We will be watching your blogs and you just might be on our Term 2 or Term 3!! Woo hoo...thanks so such an amazing response!!
Email me here: ourboyds5(at)aol(dot)com
Can't wait to hear from each of you.....Congratulations and THANK YOU for applying!!
1. Jane 4. Lysa 17. Pattie Goldman 20. Sparkle 21. Mariska 38. Mary J 47. Frances 54. S I L L I 67. Tracy Cornhill 79. Peggy 85. Loretta Lock 86. Denimo 91. Tracey Brossart 93. Ann Kranitz 97. Sharon Basel | 99. Mandi 109. Giò 112. Kim Rhead 114. Joanne DT 115. Sharette 117. Lisa 118. Stephanie Hargis 120. Shelly 121. Angela R. 138. Brook 140. Jenny 152. Jenny Peterson |