31 January 2011

DT List

Ok...so that was extremely difficult!!
I am NOT joking or exaggerating when I say, you are all super talented!
I will be honest...our original list was 80...then I thought we had narrowed it down to 40, but after taking a second look at all the blogs...we were back up to a list of 57.  We have forced ourselves to get the list down to what you see now.  Oh and... I actually already have Term 2 which will begin in June picked out from this call!! Maybe even Tern 3...hee hee!!  So, if you don't see your name below...it doesn't mean you are out of the running. We will be watching your blogs and you just might be on our Term 2 or Term 3!! Woo hoo...thanks so such an amazing response!! 

Email me here: ourboyds5(at)aol(dot)com

Can't wait to hear from each of you.....Congratulations and THANK YOU for applying!!

  1. Jane
  4. Lysa
17. Pattie Goldman
20. Sparkle
21. Mariska
38. Mary J
47. Frances
54. S I L L I
67. Tracy Cornhill
79. Peggy
85. Loretta Lock
86. Denimo
91. Tracey Brossart
93. Ann Kranitz
97. Sharon Basel

 99. Mandi
109. Giò
112. Kim Rhead
114. Joanne DT
115. Sharette
117. Lisa
118. Stephanie Hargis
120. Shelly
121. Angela R.
138. Brook 
140. Jenny
152. Jenny Peterson

28 January 2011

By LORi Designs and Baby Buds Blog Hop

I have been blessed with wonderful friends.
God has placed really good sister friends in my life and I am very thankful.
One of those friends just happens to also be a DT member of BLD, Krista Van Tol.  Krista and her Mom, Mary Anne own a little digi shop full of precious bits of sweetness called Baby Buds.
I treasure my friendships and today By LORi Designs & The Baby Buds are hopping together.
Celebrating friendship, showcasing our digital images and giving away some prizes!!!

Krista and Mary Anne are giving away a 'Garden Bud' rubber stamp set and some digi...I'm giving away Ella the Pink Elephant rubber stamp and a $10 Gift Certificate to some randomly chosen hoppers.  All you have to do to be eligible is hop to each blog and leave a comment!!  
Easy as Pie...right!??!
Here is the main hop list.
Feel free to refer back to it along the if you end up a little lost!!

Enjoy the hop and be sure to stop by the Baby Buds Shop and have a look 
at the New Released Today images at By LORi Designs (pages in the sidebar)!!!

Blessings -

27 January 2011

Design Team Update

Wow!!  This has been one difficult process...more difficult than I ever expected.

All the applicants are so talented!!
Thanks you for such an amazing response!!

I am going to HAVE to ask for a few more days on the DT Announcment.
The announcement will be HERE on Monday!!!

We have managed to narrow the list down to 40.
I'm brainstorming some ways to allow as many members as I can!!

This would have been easier if you all weren't so amazing!!!

Big Hugs - LORi

22 January 2011

By LORi Designs DT Showcase

Krista VanTol
Bug & Roo Hazel

Arielle Gordon
Bug & Roo Evie and Charlie
(this image will be in the shop later today)

Sherry Eckblad
Bug & Roo Evie

Andrea Gourley
 Bug & Roo Maggie

Angela Thomas
Bug & Roo Molly

Jayne Morgan
Bug & Roo Sunny

 Jane Broderick
Bug & Roo Baby Jakin and Shyla
(Proceeds for this image are donated to March of Dimes in Memory of Jakin and Shyla Wells)

Linda Lapotka
Lollipop Ladybug

Mercy Kerin
Wagon Tales Katie,  Gift and Bear 

Jacquie Pieffer
Bug & Roo Addeline

Jennifer Hagfeldt
Bug & Roo Molly

How about take a Lollipop, Puddle Jumper or Sugar Stick add a heart, 
a mushy gushy sentiment or some 
fabby lovey-dovey Paper...Voila!...You have a sweet Valentine!!

Sheri Gilson
Lollipop Kaylee

 Puddle Jumper Kyle
(named after Sheri's little boy)

Andrea Gourley
Lollipop Ella

Hannah Boyd
Hannah Lollipop

Sherry Eckblad
Lollipop Bumble Bee

Lori Boyd
Hannah Lollipop

A little reminder and some news:

The January Release Bundle I is still on sale for a limited time.

Sentiments sent in jpg and pdf

You can get everything you see above, every new release 
image for $25 (for a limited time only)

Just click on the banner below

This Special Price will be available until the 28th of January.  

Which brings me to the bit of news.
One of my best friends, Krista Van Tol and her Mom own Baby Buds Digital Stamp Shop...we have been making plans for a huge Baby Buds and By LORi Designs Blog Hop.  A little something to celebrate friendships!!  There will be prizes to win and even some brand new images!!
So mark your calendars for January 28th and help us celebrate 


19 January 2011

Tutorial by Mercy Kerin

Hi Everyone!!

Mercy has created this awesome tutorial and I had to share it with all of you.

Combining and Merging Digital Images With Adobe PSE 8.0

Video Tutorial by Mercy Kerin - Do not copy, reproduce or claim as your own

Thanks so much Mercy!!
Lots of fun stuff to learn in there!!
Congrats on a fabulous tutorial...Keep'em coming...I loved it!!

You can find Mercy's Original Tutorial Post HERE!!

While I have the spotlight on Mercy...I wanted to showcase a few of her cards for BLD.

They are Adorable Mercy!!
Thanks so much!!

Hugs and Blessings-

A little Reminder:
Today is the last day to apply for the Challenge DT and the last day 
to play along with the 1st BLD Challenge

11 January 2011

By LORi Designs Release Hop

We have Winners...
 Congrats to 

 You can email Lori to request your digis.
Congratulations Girls!!

Thanks to everyone who hopped with us!!
We are thrilled you liked the new release!!
It's Release Day here at
By LORi Designs
and all the girls have joined together to put on a fabulous
New Release Blog Hop

Hopefully by now you have all rested from the holiday rush and you are ready to sit back
 and enjoy a little eye candy featuring BLD Digital Images.

I'm excited to announce that I have not one, but two $10 Gift Certicates that I
 will be giving away to 2 randomly drawn hoppers. 
 All you have to do is comment on each and every blog in the hop for a chance to win.

If along the way you get lost or someone has a missing post
please hop back here for the main blog hop order!

Your next stop to to the wonderfully talented, Sherry (aka sherryann)
Happy Hopping...

By LORi Designs Blog

Sentiments sent in jpg and pdf

You can get everything you see above, every new release 
image for $25 (for a limited time only)
If you are a winner of one of the gift certificates on Friday...your 
account will be refunded the $10 value of the GC.

Just click on the banner below

ALL the single stamps will be available at 1:00 pm EST today!!


06 January 2011

By LORi Designs Challenges

Happy Challenge Day!!

Yep, the day is finally here!!

The very first By LORi Designs Challenge(BLDC1)
is posted and we are ready for you to play along with us!!

Look HERE or click Challenges on the sidebar to find Challenge 1.
Hugs - LORi

05 January 2011


Recently, a dear, near to my heart and VERY talented Friend, Maurie J. Manning (a.k.a MO) of Mo's Digital Pencil
was the victim of STAMP/ART Theft.  Now, when she tracked down the thief she also noticed that their were several other stamp companies that were also being hijacked.
This is really sad. I guess there are some people out there who have no respect for the amount of time and heart that an artist puts into their work (even if it is a digital image being used to color and create a card with). People who have no problem with stealing!!

Mo has created a site and begun a campaign to STAMP OUT STAMP THIEVES....ART THIEVES!!

Click on the banner below to read all about it and to see how YOU can help in protecting our ART.
The safer our digi stamps stay, the LONGER we can design for YOU!
Don't let other ruin it for EVERYONE!!

Hugs and Thanks for your time and support!!